As a child I grew up thinking "love " was what you give to others, a kinda sacrifice you offer to others ,denying yourself of it to meet the needs of others.
I felt the greatest love was loving others above myself, meeting the needs of others above me, caring for others and neglecting me, pouring into others and feeling dried up but still keep pouring because that's what love is. That was my concept of love.
I hit rock bottom when I never got back what I thought was love from those I gave it to and trust me, it really hurt.
Let's look out some limiting beliefs about love:
1-Love is about giving out and not receiving.
2-You have to deplete for others to increase.
3-Love means giving from a place of scarcity and pain.
4-Love is control and ownership.
5-Love can turn to hate.
6- Love is silence in the face of abuse.
7-Love must tolerate toxic behaviour.
8- Love should not expect anything in return.
9-Love hurt.
10- Loving me is selfish.
Can you see all of the limiting beliefs or mindset about love that we have all imbibed thinking it was the right way to love.
Any wonder why people are hurt and experiencing broken relationships and marriages.
What if you realign yourself with the right perspective to love.
What if there is nothing wrong with loving yourself .
What if you come to terms that love should not hurt.
What if you realize love is freedom and not control.
What if you no longer see love as ownership.
What if you can see that loving yourself is the greatest love of all.
You re suppose to be so full of love so you can share from the place of wholeness and not scarcity.
Love is beautiful and doesn't have the capacity to hate, if you hate then you never loved .
The first rule of love is to love yourself, make yourself a top priority before others. You have no business loving another when you haven't loved yourself enough, what are you really giving out when you don't love yourself,can you see why persons walk away from you because the kind of love you re giving out isn't rich and wholesome.
If you can't give love to yourself first ,you honestly lack the capacity to love another, this has nothing to do with feelings, love is not a feeling ,it's not that butterfly feeling in your stomach, it's not the urge to pleases others or put another above you, that's self esteem issues and self sabotage.
If you don't love yourself,how do you really want to love another, what parameter are you using?
It's time to surrender all limiting beliefs about love and get the right perspective on.
Loving yourself is giving yourself the responsibility to :
1- Honour yourself.
2-Respect yourself.
3-Be compassionate to yourself.
4-Meeting your needs first.
5- Caring for your body.
6- Asking for help.
8- Caring for your emotional and mental health.
9- Setting boundaries.
10-Forgiving yourself and others.
11-Showing others how to treat you right
12- Having Me time.
13- Ensuring you don't condone toxic behaviour.
14- Say no with ease.
15- Having a moral compass that triggers intentional living.
16- Valuing your time.
If you love yourself first you will have enough to share without feeling empty, people will mirror back what you shared out. You begin to attract like minds who also love themselves first and willing to share with you.
You re in a better state of mind to build relationship with another with the same mindset because you understand relationship is not about completing you but complement ;after all you re complete.
Always put yourself first in the place of love.
I have made me a top priority.
I no longer need another person's love to validate me .
I love me enough to care and validate myself and enough to share without feeling drained.
It's time to go back and take good care of yourself because no one can honestly take care of you than yourself.
Make yourself the most important person before others.
As you take this step to loving yourself, you open up your love frequency and radar to attract more love into your live.
I have a special gift for you and because I really care I am offering you a free training on self Transformation to enable you discover you and live intentionally.
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My YouTube channel is filled with interesting teachings that will upscale your life for abundance. You may wanna click on this link and soak yourself with beautiful words.....
My name is Nkechi Macaulay,your personal transformation coach at your service.
Let me remind you again, you're the most important person right now and you mean alot to me.
Don't forget to share your thoughts.
Stay blessed.
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