Today is women 's day worldwide, a day set aside to recognize and celebrate all women. 

More often than not, women don't give themselves credit personally for their struggles and achievement. We sometimes wait for outward validation to feel good which is not really a bad idea but that would mean having to wait endlessly for others validation as suppose finding inner validation from within.

A dear friend of mine with a special needs child battling cerebral palsy shared how she constantly lost herself carrying for her special needs daughter. Caring for her was taking a toll on her mental and physical health and in raising her other kids.

She stumbled on the subject of affirmation and she began to soak herself in it on a daily basis to renew her strength, vitality and joy.  She chose to daily appreciate herself in front of the mirror, reminding herself ,she is an amazing mom, an amazing wife and an amazing woman. Affirmations helped her daily to love herself, create time to rest and relax and nuture her other kids and husband. She also took time to begin to take care of her look.

Affirmations are powerful statement crafted with positive words to reach the conscious and subconscious state of the mind to motivate, inspire,transform your thought process to align you with capacity to fulfill your personal aspirations.

To start your affirmation,you must use this key words to craft it. "I can", "I will", "I am with a present tense  statement.  It's best to keep it simple and short so you won't forget and can be repeated daily.

For affirmation to be effective it must have three ingredients, what is known as 3ps, PRESENT, PERSONAL, and POSITIVE. It must have the capacity to motivate , inspire, juggle you up and trigger positive thoughts within you. Only then can it be effective to create inner surge of light and power within.

Here re '40 powerful Affirmation for you:
1- I am an amazing gift to myself,my friends and my world.

2- I love and appreciate myself. I am who I am and I love me.

3-Everything I need will come to me at the right time and at the right place.

4-I believe in myself and in the path I have chosen.

5-I am enough, I have always been enough and I will always be enough.

6-Everuday I am getting better and better.

7-Good things flow towards me and I embrace it.

8-I am in control of  my life and destiny.

9-I choose to believe in myself when it's hard.

10-I know I can achieve anything I set  my mind to do.

11-I am determined to never give up ,no matter what challenge I face.

12-I am fearless and I will never allow my fears hold me back.

13-I am worthy of love , respect and happiness.

14-I am a force.

15-My voice is important, I will use it to make a difference in the world.

16- I love myself, my flaws and all within me.

17-I am so much more than what anyone else thinks of me.

18-I know my worth and I will never settle for less.

19- I am strong every moment of the day.

20-My confidence is unshakable.

21-I am never afraid to take risk .

22-I let go of others opinion of me.

23- I am strong every moment of the day.

24-I let go of my insecurities and looks.

25-I am full of love  and forgiveness for my self and others.

26-I am present.

27-I am my best self.

28-I am happy, healthy and radiant.

29-I am safe, comfortable and confident.

30- I am full of love, appreciation and acceptance of my body.

31-I am accepting myself as I am.

32-I love my body and will nourish it with healthy food.

33-I am attracting wonderful things in my life.

34-I deserve everything good that comes to me.

35-I am feeling calm and peaceful.

36-I will honour my need to rest and recharge.

37-I choose to let go of the old,my new path is before me. Today my new life begins.

38-I have the power to change my story.

39-I am the exact parent my child needs to blossom,so I don't compare myself to others.

40- I am going to make the rest of my life the best of my life.

I like to hear from you.
Share your thought or comment on how you felt about the Affirmation.
Happy women's day to you.
Love from Nkechi MacaulayπŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•


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